
Template Info

Azulmedia 2.1 is a free, W3C-compliant, CSS-based website template by This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, which means that you are free to use and modify it for any purpose. All I ask is that you include a link back to my website in your credits.

For more free designs, you can visit my website to see my other works.

Good luck and I hope you find my free templates useful!

Read more : Comments(7) : Oct 28, 2006

Sample Tags


code-sample {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;

Example Lists

  1. example of
  2. ordered list
  • example of
  • unordered list


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat....

Image and text


Example Form

INOVERSAL - Estudios


TD style="HEIGHT:100%" height=350 vAlign=top >

<script language="JavaScript">
var tmpnick
var defnick = "Nick"
var b61 = "Null"
var nick = prompt("Escribe tu alias para el salon de charla", "nick")
if (nick == tmpnick) {nick = defnick}
if (nick == '' || nick == '' ||nick == '' ||nick == '' ||nick == '' ||nick == '' ||nick == '' ||nick == '' ||nick == '' ||nick == '' || nick == '' ) {nick = b61}

var temp = '<OBJECT ID="ChatFrame" CLASSID="CLSID:F58E1CEF-A068-4C15-BA5E-587CAF3EE8C6" width="100%" height=370px CODEBASE=",00,0305,1301">';
temp += '<PARAM name="RoomName" value="Amigos_Latinos">';
temp += "<PARAM NAME="UserRole" VALUE="PROFILMODE0">";
temp += "<PARAM NAME="NickName" VALUE="" + nick + "">";
temp += '<PARAM NAME="ResDLL" VALUE=",02,0310,2401">';
temp += '<PARAM NAME="Server" VALUE="">';
temp += ' <PARAM NAME="ChatMode" VALUE="0">';

temp += '<PARAM NAME="Category" VALUE="">';
temp += '<PARAM NAME="Topic" VALUE="">';
temp += '<PARAM NAME="WelcomeMsg" VALUE="">';
temp += '<PARAM NAME="Locale" VALUE="">';
temp += '<PARAM NAME="CreateRoom" VALUE="index.php?action=crearr">';
temp += '<PARAM NAME="MessageOfTheDay" VALUE="<b>Nota</b>:Bienvenido a Factor Chat. Factor Chat no se hace responsable por la informacion personal que de a otros usuarios. Para mas Ayuda porfavor visita nuestro Helpdesk o visite">';
temp += '<PARAM NAME="BaseURL" VALUE="">';
temp += '<PARAM NAME="URLBack" VALUE="index.php">';
temp += '</OBJECT>';

<script language="JavaScript"> function fnResize() { iAdj = 90;

newheight=document.body.clientHeight-iAdj;if (newheight<250)newheight=250;document.all("ChatFrame").style.pixelHeight=newheight;}window.onresize=fnResize;fnResize();</script>

En el parametro RoomName le pondremos como valor el nombre del chat

<PARAM name="RoomName" value="Aqui el nombre del chat">

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